Advertising self-regulatory organisations members of EASA have a long-standing experience in monitoring advertising self-regulatory rules in all formats, whether it is outdoor advertising or spots in the various media.
In recent years, the monitoring of online advertising has become a major issue given its exponential growth, both in terms of the number of advertisements as such and the number and variety of online advertising players.
“The global digital advertising market reached a value of nearly $374.2 billion in 2020, having increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.7% since 2015. The market is expected to grow from $374.2 billion in 2020 to $763.6 billion in 2025 at a rate of 15.3%. The market is expected to grow from $763.6 billion in 2025 to $1,449.0 billion in 2030 at a CAGR of 13.7%.”
EASA supports the Self-Regulatory Organisations of its network to develop and expand innovative digital solutions by using artificial intelligence to monitor online advertising more efficiently and on a larger scale.
More specifically, the development of artificial intelligence tools enables the monitoring of online content to flag:
- advertisements targeting young children
- non-disclosed commercial partnerships
- deceptive advertisements, particularly in the area of health or green claims
- advertisements in a particularly sensitive sector for a specific country (HFSS, alcohol, gambling…)
EASA supports its SRO network:
- by facilitating the exchange of information about the new technologies, such as avatars and video or text monitoring on social media and websites;
- by coordinating and fostering SROs to group on the same AI monitoring project;
- by financially supporting SROs which invest in the tech-driven self-regulation and launch online monitoring projects