EASA Spring Biannual Meetings 2024 | Amsterdam, 22-24 May

16 May 2024

We are looking forward to the EASA Spring Biannual Meetings in Amsterdam from 22 to 24 May 2024, hosted by our Dutch SRO member Stichting Reclame Code.

We will start the meetings with a welcome dinner on Wednesday, May 22. Sessions on Thursday, May 23, will take place at @droog, while the sessions on Friday, May 24, sponsored by Google, will take place at Felix Meritis.

Below, you can find the tentative schedule – this page will regularly be updated.

In the meantime, if you have any questions, contact giulia.bazzano@easa-alliance.org.

Location of meetings

  • @droog: Staalstraat 7B, 1011 JJ Amsterdam
  • Felix Meritis: Keizersgracht 324, 1016 EZ Amsterdam, Netherlands

Tentative schedule

Wednesday, 22 May

19:00-22:00 CEST | Welcome Dinner, @droog

Thursday, 23 May

09:30-10:00 CEST | Welcome Coffee | @droog

10:00-10:30 CEST | Host welcome

10:30-11:00 CEST | keynote speech | @droog
Keynote speaker: Joana Duarte, Director, ERC; Subgroup 1, ERGA

11:00-12:00 CEST | Influencer Marketing Session | @droog

12:00-13:00 CEST | Lunch | @droog

13:00-14:30 CEST | SR Committee | @droog

14:30-15:00 CEST | Informal Session | @droog

15:00-15:30 CEST | Coffee Break | @droog

15:30-17:30 CEST | EASA Board Meeting | @droog

17:30-18:00 CEST | EASA General Assembly | @droog

19:30 – Late | Reception and Gala Dinner | Museum Van Loon
We will start with a reception, followed by dinner at 20:30.

Friday, 24 May

09:15-09:30 CEST | Welcome Coffee | Felix Meritis

09:30-11.00 CEST | Ad Safety at Google  | Felix Meritis
EASA’s members are invited to a deep dive into Google Ad Safety report along with a review of their 2023 work. Topics to discuss will include AI, scam ads, content moderation, advertiser verifications processes and the importance of ad transparency. The welcome of Google Netherland’s Country Manager Martijn Bertisen will be followed by an immersive session on how Google approaches content moderation and an interactive session for EASA’s members to better understand the approach and for all players to learn from each other.

  • Brian Crowley, Director, Trust and Safety at Google

11:00-11:30 CEST | Brunch Style Coffee Break | Felix Meritis

11:30-13:20 CEST | Responsibile advertising – AI & Ad SR | Felix Meritis

  • Lisa Blom, Head of Industry Relations Northern Europe, Google
  • Adam Davison, Head of Data Science, Advertising Standards Authority
  • Rob Van GriesvenDirector Consumer Connections, Heineken
  • Morten LegarthCreative Director at VCCP and the AI Creative Agency, Faith
  • Moderator: Otto van der Harst, Director, Stichting Reclame Code

13:20-14:00 CEST | Light Lunch Buffet

14:00-17:30 CEST | Social Activities | Museum Quarter

  • 14:00-15:30 Boat trip from Felix Meritis to Museum Quarter
  • 15:30-16:30 Guided visit to the Frans Hals exhibition at the Rijksmuseum
  • 16:30: Free visit to the rest of the Rijksmuseum