EASA Welcomes a New Observer Member – The Serbian SRO NAESO
25 May 2020
On the occasion of EASA’s Board and General Assembly meetings on May 14, EASA welcomed its newest member – the National Association for Ethical Standards in Advertising (NAESO) from Serbia.
“We are very excited to join EASA family of European self-regulatory organisations in the field of advertising. This is an important achievement and a milestone for our organisation. A group of Serbian advertising industry, marketing and creative industry professionals and sector representatives has been working very diligently over the past years to establish Serbia’s self-regulatory body. In this journey to establish NAESO, EASA has been a strong supporter and a valuable partner to us by providing guidance, advice, best practices, and putting us in touch with other national SROs (Spanish, Greek, Hungarian and Romanian SROs – to name a few) that have shared their expertise and knowledge with us. As we grow and develop our organisation, we look forward to continue working with EASA and its members to further advance the self-regulation in the Serbian advertising field”, said the President of the NAESO Managing Board, Vanda Kučera, after the vote of EASA membership to accept NAESO’s application to join EASA at the May 14th General Assembly.
NAESO was established in April 2019 with 17 founding members, which include advertising agencies, advertisers, marketing industry sector representatives and media associations.
NAESO Managing Board members and professionals who founded the organisation, promoted the concept of co-regulation and self-regulation in advertising over the past years, and were able to successfully advocate for the concept of self-regulation to be recognised and included in text of The Advertising Law (passed in 2016).
Establishment of NAESO was also preceded by drafting the national Code of Marketing Communications, that has been harmonised with both local and European regulatory principles.
Welcome NAESO!