ICAS announces Winners of the 2021 Global Awards

15 June 2021

On 15 June 2021, the International Council for Advertising Self-Regulation (ICAS) announced the winners of its second edition of the ICAS Global Awards. The objective of the ICAS Awards is to reward initiatives that contribute to responsible marketing practices and a more effective and impactful self-regulatory system. 

  • For Best Awareness-Raising InitiativeASCI, the Advertising Standards Council of India, for their impactful ASCI Aston (scroll) which ran across all TV Channels, supported by the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) in India which achieved an exceptional reach and maximised awareness about the SRO;
  • For Thought-Leadership: the joint initiative of the SROs in France (ARPP), the Netherlands (SRC) and the UK (ASA) for their collaboration to share learnings, best practice and ultimately technological tools including software and algorithms to better regulate the growing digital landscape;

For more information, visit the ICAS website.